Our Beliefs


He is the only true God. Everything begins with God. He has always been and will always be. He is the perfect, Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler of the universe. He is all-powerful, all-loving, and all-wise. He is one in His nature but has revealed Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

(Genesis 1:1, 26; Exodus 3:14; Deuteronomy 6:4; Psalm 19:1; Matthew 28:18-19; 2 Corinthians 13:14)

Jesus Christ

He is the eternal Son of God, revealing God to the world. We believe in the full deity and full humanity of Christ. Born of a Virgin, taking on human flesh, He led a sinless life, was crucified on the cross for the sins of humanity, resurrected from the dead, ascended into heaven and was seated at the right hand of the Father. His life, teachings, death and resurrection offer the only true hope and salvation for all people. In God’s timing and in God’s perfect way, Jesus Christ will return to the earth as Lord.

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit who indwells every Christian’s life for the purpose of living a God-reflective life. He convicts people of sin and draws them to Jesus. He guides us into truth and seals us for eternity. He gifts each follower of Jesus to be useful in God’s hands in service to the church and His creation.

The Bible

The Bible was written by human authors who were uniquely inspired by the Spirit of God. His guidance led them to record His truth and it is all sufficient for faith and practice. We are to interpret scripture through the lens of Jesus Christ. The Bible is authoritative for every believer and church. It provides the counsel of God for everyday life. We have accepted the authority of the Bible and seek to live by its direction.


All humans are created in the image of God. However, each person is a sinner and is separated from God. Salvation is available to all who recognize their sin, repent of that sin, and faithfully accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Only by God’s grace and through faith can this process take place and a person can be restored into a right relationship with God and receive eternal life. While each Christian is involved in a continuing spiritual growth process, salvation is once and forever.

The Church

The church, both universally and locally, is a body of baptized believers committed to following the way of Jesus. Jesus established the church and it exists to perform God’s will on earth. Our desire is to guide and encourage people in learning spiritual truths that lead to transformation and offer a life of spiritual growth. Believers are to invest themselves in the life and work of the church.


Baptism is an act of obedience where, in humility, we share an outward expression of our inward decision to follow Christ. Each believer is to be immersed in water symbolizing the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and the new life each believer has through Jesus. Baptism is a requirement to be a member of our church.

The Lord’s Supper

The elements of the Lord’s Supper represent the body and blood of Jesus. This act of obedience is for believers only and serves as a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. The Lord’s Supper also acts as a reminder of our unity with fellow followers of Christ.


God commands those whom he has saved to share the Gospel message with those who are lost. It is the responsibility of each follower of Jesus to be committed to following the Great Commission by being dedicated to making disciples among all people, in our community, state, nation and the world. We are to join together with other believers to ensure people everywhere hear the good news of Jesus.